Our Prison Release and IRC Komplex Support Services offer post-custody support to enhance continuity of care for individuals leaving prison or an immigration removal centre (IRC) with specific health needs.
Our pro-active approach includes providing support before release to ensure a seamless transition to community-based services, preserving health improvements achieved during incarceration.
We prioritise improving the wellbeing of individuals post-release, addressing disparities, and targeting health-related factors influencing reoffending behaviours.
Led by clinical experts, our service provides dedicated support teams tailored to individual health care and support needs after IRC or prison release. Through partnerships with housing providers, we facilitate individuals’ transition to accommodation within the community. This offers a truly integrated health and support service.
- Nationwide support for individuals with health needs leaving prison or an IRC
- Ability to mobilise team quickly, leading to seamless and efficient integration back into community
- Providing high acuity mental health, learning disability, autism and challenging needs care to improve outcomes for individuals
- Partnerships with housing providers enables individuals to live in their own home, supported by a dedicated care and support team
“It’s crucial that the right type of support is in place for individuals being released from prisons and IRCs – and especially so where they have additional needs such as a mental health diagnosis, learning disabilities or autism. As a nation, we are seeing far too many people who are either being kept indefinitely in detention simply because the appropriate support isn’t in place for them in the community. Or we see them being released and then reoffending because they haven’t got the right services in place in order to give them the best chance of living well within a community.
“At Komplex Community, we work alongside property partners to ensure that all of the practical housing needs are met, while our teams concentrate on fulfilling the individual’s health, wellness and social needs.
“Our Prison Release and IRC Komplex Support Service may be a simple concept – stopping the cycle of worsening mental health and criminal behaviours – but it’s something which we’re not currently seeing happen across the UK. At Komplex, we are leading the way so that we can improve the outcomes for individuals, and reduce the impact on the system as a whole.”
Lisa Hillman, Managing Director
- 33% of the prison population has a mental health condition
- More than 30% of people in prison have a learning disability or learning difficulty
- Around a quarter of those released from prison go on to reoffend
- Risk of reoffending is between two and four times more likely for individuals with psychiatric disorders.
- Studies have found around three quarters of people in an IRC have a mental health disorders. And 26% meet the criteria for serious mental illness within four days of being detained.